Project: JABPRO


JABPro aims to solve the problem of HR managers having to manage and sort through tons of job applications.
The problem that we have identified included:

  1. Visual Noise and Clutter (Through the use of Excel or other programmes where rows of data are displayed)
  2. Lack of a way to easily compare candidates (Having to manually compare rows of data or need to search up statistical formulas)
    The features that I have implemented to tackle these problems are:
  3. view command to view a candidate's details in a separate panel (to reduce visual noise and clutter) whereby the candidate's details are displayed in full in a very organised and formatted manner.
    This creates a very clean and organised view for the user to easily read and process the information stored for the viewed person.
  4. filter command to filter candidates based on statistical metrics and values. Whereby the user can filter and display candidates whose value is greater than or equal to the specified value for the specified statistic metric. This allows the user to easily compare candidates based on their performance for a particular tag. We use tag as a way to tag assessments that the candidate has taken. This allows the user to easily compare candidates based on their performance for a particular assessment.

Thereby additional enhancement that I have implemented to support filter to support Score and ScoreList are:

  1. Overloading the current edit command to edit the score of a candidate for a particular assessment.
  2. Summary Statistic

Summary of Contributions

Code contributed: RepoSense link

Enhancement implemented:

  • remark, edit(for scores portion) , filter, view command and features
  • Score, ScoreList, Remark and its relevant storing and parsing of data
  • Summary Statistic implementation
  • UI for View Panel and Summary statistic panel

Contribution to the UG:

  • Updated the UG for the entire table of contents
  • Updated the UG for Overview of Main Features for Introduction
  • Updated UG for the add, remark, filter, view, edit command and Summary Statistic section

Contribution to DG:

  • Contributed to DG for writing User Stories
    • 5 of the * * * Must-have features for user stories which links to the commands I have implemented
  • Contributed to DG for target user profile
    • 4 target user profiles characteristic
  • Contributed to DG for non-functional requirements
    • 3 NFRs
  • Contributed to DG for use cases regarding add, remark, view, Using scores to compare and filter people
  • Contributed to DG for architecture diagram for UI, Storage, Model
  • Contributed to DG for feature implementation details for view.
  • Contributed to DG for manual testing for add, edit, view, filter, remark features.

Contribution to team-based tasks:

  • Keeping track of deadlines and objectives
  • Separating tasks into workable units for team members each week
  • Managing the team's progress and ensuring that everyone is on track
  • In charge of overall UG and DG structure and formatting for the team

Review/mentoring contributions:

  • Reviewed PRs for team members
  • Helped team members with their issues and bugs. Especially with design issues and understanding of the code base.

Contributions beyond the project team:

  • Participated in the PE Dry Run and gave feedback to the other team (About 9 bugs reported, out of which there was 1 major over-arching bug that was reported)

Test Case Contributions:

  • Covered all the test cases for the commands that I have implemented. Contributed to the team's test case as well as AB3's test case.

Contributions to Developer Guide(Extracts)

View feature


The view feature is implemented using the ViewCommand class. It extends Command and overrides the execute() method to display the person's details in full in a new window.

Like every other command class, it involves a command ViewCommand class and a parser ViewCommandParser. ViewCommand Parser takes in the user input and returns a ViewCommand object.

When executed, ViewCommand saves the index of the person to be viewed as LastViewedPersonIndex in the Model and returns a CommandResult object with isView property being true.

By having a isView property in CommandResult, the MainWindow component is able to toggle the UI to the view the person of the LastViewedPersonIndex after the command has been executed.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the view feature behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application. The AddressBook will be initialized with the current saved address book state

User should see the UI as shown below.


Step 2. The user wants to see the full information displayed for the first person in the displayed list. The user enters the command view 1 to view the first person in the list.

The following sequence diagram shows how the view operation works:


Note: The lifeline for RemarkCommand and RemarkCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

User should see the UI as shown below after entering View 1


Step 3. The user can then read or process the information stored for the viewed person.

Note: The view command can be most effectively used with search and list. Since the view index is dependent on the Index on the filtered list shown, the user can view the profile after filtering for specific properties in a person using search and sorting them using list.

Alternatives considered

Alternative 1 (Chosen):
The view feature is implemented using the ViewCommand class. It extends Command and overrides the execute() method to display the person's details in full in a new window.

Pros: Follows the Software Design Patterns of Command. This is the same pattern used for all other commands thus creating consistency.

Cons: Tougher to implement since other commands do not have the ability to trigger the ViewCommand in their execution. That is we specifically need to set the isView property to true if we want the ViewCommand to occur simultaneously with another command.

Alternative 2 (Not Chosen):
The view feature is implemented using the ViewCommand class. It extends Command and overrides the execute() method to display the person's details in full in a new window.
Commands that involved viewing will extend ViewCommand instead of the Command class. All of them are returned as ViewCommand to ensure toggling of the UI after command is executed.

Pros: Arguably a more OOP approach since all commands that trigger view IS-A ViewCommand.

Cons: You cannot implement any command that does not involve viewing but inherits from any command that is a children of ViewCommand.
An example could be trying to create identical commands that does not toggle the UI after execution. This would require duplication of the exact same command code but inheriting from Command instead of ViewCommand.

  • wants an organized way to keep track of candidates information
  • wants to view and manage candidates information in a single place
  • wants to attach a score to candidate performance over interview and assessments
  • wants to be able to use scores in order to quantitatively compare candidates
Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that…​
* * * Hiring Manager add a candidate's contact information, including name, email, phone number I can easily access and reach out to candidates when needed
* * * Hiring Manager add notes and comments to candidate profiles to document interview feedback and impressions I can maintain a record of interactions and feedback
* * * Hiring Manager view a specific job applicant's resume or portfolio I can check whether they meet the requirements requested by other department heads
* * * Hiring Manager record the score of the different activities such as interviewsor assessments that an applicant might go through I can use them for effective comparison and filter the candidates easily
* * * Hiring Manager compare candidates using their performance in their assessments or interviews I can choose the best candidates to move to the next stage of the hiring process and get the best performing candidates objectively

The remaining not mentioned are the use cases for my features related and test cases for manual testing.

Contributions to User Guide(Extracts)


  1. Table of Contents
  2. Overview of Main Features

Adding an applicant: add

Adds an applicant to JABPro.


Type Prefix Constraints
Mandatory n/NAME NAME must be alphanumeric (Letters and numbers, no symbols allowed such as /, , ...).
Mandatory p/PHONE_NUMBER PHONE_NUMBER must contain numbers only and should be at-least 3 digits long.
Mandatory e/EMAIL EMAIL must be the standard email address format (There must be an email-prefix followed by @ symbol and email domain).
Mandatory a/ADDRESS ADDRESS can be any value, including special characters such as #, , ...
Optional t/[CATEGORY] TAGNAME TAGNAME must be alphanumeric with no spaces. Any details after the space will be ignored.

Notes regarding additional constraint on add command:

  • The uniqueness of the applicant is determined by the name only. This means that you cannot have 2 applicants with the same name in the application book.
  • All other fields other than name can be identical between different people in JABPro.
  • Applicants added using the add command will be added to the end of the list.

Notes on adding tags:

  • If you would like to tag a user with a tag that has not been categorised yet using the create command, you can specify the category that you would like it to be categorised to in the add command. e.g. ...t/role swe
  • If you are using a tag that has not been categorised yet and you did not specify its category in the add command, the tag would still be saved but it would be "uncategorised" by default.
  • If you have multiple tags in different categories with the same name, you must specify the category when you want to add one of these tags to the applicant you are adding.


  • An applicant can have any number of tags (including 0)!

An example of the add command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command add n/Betsy Crowe t/friend e/ a/Newgate Prison p/1234567 t/dept finance

  2. This is the result of the successful add command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


Error Handling Table for add command:

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing add keyword: add Unknown command Follow the command format of add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAGNAME]…​ closely
Missing mandatory fields Invalid command format! Ensure that all mandatory fields are filled up.
Duplicate name This person already exists in the address book Ensure that the name of the applicant is unique. That is you cannot add the same name twice. Use some form of extra identification like a number
Invalid phone number Phone numbers should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long Ensure that the phone number only contains number and should be at least 3 digits long
Invalid email Emails should be of the format local-part@domain and adhere to the following constraints: Ensure that the prefix and domain of the email is correct following the constraints stated by the error
Invalid tag name Tag names should only contain alphanumeric characters and should not be blank Ensure that the tag name only contains alphanumeric characters and should not be blank
Multiple prefixes of the same type being used Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): prefix/ Remove the duplicate prefix. The command should only have 1 of every prefix except for t/

Tip: To know if it is an error, the command entered will light up in red. It remains in the command box.

  1. The error message will be displayed in the result display box.
  2. Follow the error handling table for the command or use the suggested course of action in the result display to rectify the error.

Adding a remark to an applicant: remark

Edits a remark of an existing applicant in JABPro. Format: remark INDEX r/REMARK

Type Prefix Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be an existing index in the displayed applicant list and it must not be greater than the total number of applicants in JABPro.
Optional r/ [REMARK] REMARK can be any value, including special characters such as #, , ...

Notes regarding remark command:

  • The previous remark is not saved, and instead is replaced by the inputted remark. The command does not add to the existing remark.
  • You can empty out a remark by inputting r/ without any text after it or by omitting the r/ prefix.
  • You can get the remark previously inputted by using the REMARK keyword. It will be replaced with the previous remark. The keyword REMARK is case-sensitive. This means that remark 1 r/**remark** will just replace the remark with the word **remark**.
  • You can use multiple prefix for remark but only the last prefix will be used. This means that remark 1 r/remark r/remark2 will just replace the remark with remark2.

An example of the remark command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command remark 1 r/Great attitude, hardworking

  2. This is the result of the successful remark command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):

  3. Remark-Success

An example of the remark command being successfully executed with the REMARK keyword:

  1. Enter the command remark 1 r/**REMARK** furthermore he is great at teamwork

  2. This is the result of the successful remark command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


Error Handling Table for remark command:

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing remark keyword: remark Unknown command Follow the command format of remark INDEX r/[REMARK] closely
Missing Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is filled up.
Invalid Index The person index provided is invalid Ensure that the index is valid. That is it is a number that is on the displayed applicant list.
Negative or 0 Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is a positive integer and is also a number that is on the displayed applicant list.

Tip: To know if it is an error, the command entered will light up in red. It remains in the command box.

  1. The error message will be displayed in the result display box.
  2. Follow the error handling table for the command or use the suggested course of action in the result display to rectify the error.

Additional Examples:

  • remark 1 Empties the remark of the 1st applicant. It is equivalent to remark 1 r/.

Viewing a applicant's details: view

Creates a complete view for details of an applicant in the second main panel and summary statistics (if applicable) of an applicant in the third main panel.

Format: view INDEX

Type Prefix Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be an existing index in the displayed applicant list and it must not be greater than the total number of applicant in JABPro.

Notes regarding view command:

  • The index used will be the same index as the one shown in the displayed applicant list.
  • Compatible with search and other features that changes the displayed applicant list. Index always follows the index shown in the displayed applicant list.
  • Refer to the Summary Statistics section for more details on the summary statistics.

Tip: Other operations that affect user's data will trigger a refresh of the view. These include add, edit, set, remark, addL, addG. This means that the view will be updated to reflect the latest changes to the data for that particular applicant.

An example of the view command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command view 3

  2. This is the result of the successful view command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


An example of the view command being successfully executed for applicant with tags and score:

  1. Enter the command view 2 (Applicant with tags and score)

  2. This is the result of the successful view command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


Error Handling Table for view command:

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing view keyword: view Unknown command Follow the command format of view INDEX closely
Missing Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is filled up.
Invalid Index The person index provided is invalid Ensure that the index is valid. That is it is a number that is on the displayed applicant list.

Tip: To know if it is an error, the command entered will light up in red. It remains in the command box.

  1. The error message will be displayed in the result display box.
  2. Follow the error handling table for the command or use the suggested course of action in the result display to rectify the error.

Editing a applicant: edit

Edits an existing applicant's detail in JABPro

Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAGNAME]…​ [sc/TAGNAME SCORE]

Type Prefix Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be a non-zero unsigned integer and must also not be greater than the total number of applicants in JABPro.
Optional n/NAME NAME must be alphanumeric (Letters and numbers, no symbols allowed such as /, , ...).
Optional p/PHONE_NUMBER PHONE_NUMBER must contain numbers only and should be at-least 3 digits long.
Optional e/EMAIL EMAIL must be the standard email address format (There must be an email-prefix followed by @ symbol and email domain).
Optional a/ADDRESS ADDRESS can be any value, including special characters such as #, , ...
Optional t/TAGNAME TAGNAME must be alphanumeric with no spaces. Any details after the space will be ignored.
Optional sc/TAGNAME SCORE TAGNAME a tag that is being created or already exist for that applicant. SCORE must be a non-negative integer.

Notes regarding edit command:

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing attributes will be updated to the input values.
  • There is a way to edit tags and their categories at the same time. Look at the notes for editing tags with categories t/[CATEGORY] TAGNAME for more details.

Notes on editing the tags of the specified applicant for t/TAGNAME:

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the applicant will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the applicant’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.
  • There is no current way to keep the existing tags and add new tags to the applicant. You will have to re-tag the applicant with the existing tags and the new tags.

Notes on editing the score of the specified applicant for sc/TAGNAME SCORE:

  • The TAG in sc/TAG SCORE must be a tag of the category assessment. You cannot use the sc/TAG SCORE field for tags that are not of the assessment category.
  • The sc/TAG SCORE field can only be used after the t/TAG field is used if the tag has not been created or the TAG already exist on the applicant.
  • The SCORE in sc/TAG SCORE is non-negative, that is SCORE must be more than or equal to 0.
  • To clear a tag's score, just re-tag it with the same tag name, but without using the sc/TAG SCORE field.

Notes on rules for edit command involving tags with categories for t/[CATEGORY] TAGNAME:

  • Consequently, similar rules for add apply to the edit command involving tags:
    • If you would like to tag a user with a tag that has not been categorised yet using the create command, you can specify the category that you would like it to be categorised to in the edit command. e.g. edit 1 t/role swe
    • If you are using a tag that has not been categorised yet and you did not specify its category in the add command, the tag would still be saved but it would be "uncategorised" by default.
    • If you have multiple tags in different categories with the same name, you must specify the category when you want to tag the specified applicant with one of these tags.
  1. Editing an applicant's details will trigger a refresh of the view. This means that the view will be updated to reflect the latest changes to the data for that particular applicant.
  2. We strongly recommend that you categorise tags using create before using edit to tag applicants. This is to reduce the confusion of having two ways to tag applicants.

An example of the edit command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command edit 1 n/Alex Ho p/91234567 (Edit name and phone number)

  2. This is the result of the successful edit command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


An example of the edit command being successfully executed with tags and score:

  1. Ensure that you have created a tag Interview under the assessment category using the create command. That is, enter the command create t/assessment Interview

  2. Enter the command edit 1 t/Interview sc/Interview 80 (Edit tag and score)

  3. This is the result of the successful edit command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


An example of the edit command being successfully executed to clear a tags and score:

  1. Enter the command edit 1 t/ (Clear all tags)

  2. This is the result of the successful edit command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


Error Handling Table for edit command:

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing edit keyword: edit Unknown command Follow the command format of edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAGNAME]…​ [sc/TAGNAME SCORE] closely
Missing Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is filled up.
Invalid Index The person index provided is invalid Ensure that the index is valid. That is it is a number that is on the displayed applicant list.
Missing at least one of the field At least one field to edit must be provided. Ensure that at least one of the field is filled up and to be changed.
Duplicate name This person already exists in the address book Ensure that the name of the applicant is unique. That is you cannot add the same name twice. Use some form of extra identification like a number
Invalid phone number Phone numbers should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long Ensure that the phone number only contains number and should be at least 3 digits long
Invalid email Emails should be of the format local-part@domain and adhere to the following constraints: Ensure that the prefix and domain of the email is correct following the constraints stated by the error
Invalid tag name Tag names should only contain alphanumeric characters and should not be blank Ensure that the tag name only contains alphanumeric characters and should not be blank
Multiple prefixes of the same type being used Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): prefix/ Remove the duplicate prefix. The command should only have 1 of every prefix except for t/
Missing score for tag Invalid score, score must be non-negative integer. Ensure that the score is filled up and has a space from the TAGNAME.
Invalid tag to attach score Invalid score tag, tag must a tag of the category assessment and must exist on the applicant Ensure that the tag is of the category assessment and exist on the applicant. If its the wrong category, use create, if it is not tagged to the person use edit

Tip: To know if it is an error, the command entered will light up in red. It remains in the command box.

  1. The error message will be displayed in the result display box.
  2. Follow the error handling table for the command or use the suggested course of action in the result display to rectify the error.

Filter job applicants by statistics: filter

Filters and display applicants in the current displayed applicant list using statistical metrics and values.

Format:filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC val/VALUE or filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC

Type Prefix Constraints
Mandatory t/TAGNAME TAGNAME must be a tag that is of the category assessment.
Mandatory met/METRIC METRIC must be either score, percentile, mean, median.
Optional val/VALUE Optional only for mean and median. Otherwise, VALUE must be a non-negative integer and is a mandatory field.

Notes regarding filter command:

  • Filter works only on the current list of job applicants displayed. It is essential that you enter list before using filter to ensure that you are filtering the correct list of job applicants.
  • It is strongly recommended that you use filter after you have tagged most of the job applicants with a tag that has a score.
  • Filters and displays job applicants whose value is greater than or equal to the specified value for the specified statistic metric.
  • For METRIC that is mean or median, the VALUE is optional. Specifying a VALUE here will be ignored accordingly. filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC is equivalent to filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC val/X where X is any positive integer.
  • Filter does not edit, update or in any way change the data of the job applicants. It only filters and displays the job applicants.
  • Filter does not trigger view, that is your view panels represent the previous applicant you viewed before filtering.
  • To get back the original list with all the applicants, simply type list again.

Notes on the different metrics: Do look at the Summary Statistics section for more details on the summary statistics metrics.

You should use filter after you have tagged most of the job applicants with a tag that has a score.
This is because some of the metrics such as percentile, mean and median require a certain number of scores to be considered meaningful. Read more about this in the Summary Statistics section.

Set up for examples when you first start JABPro with default data:

  1. list

  2. create t/assessment interview to create a tag interview under the assessment category.

  3. edit 1 t/interview sc/interview 80

  4. edit 2 t/interview sc/interview 90

  5. edit 3 t/interview sc/interview 70

  6. The result of the above commands should look like this:


An example of the filter command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command list

  2. Enter the command filter t/interview met/percentile val/80 (Filter by percentile)

  3. This is the result of the successful filter command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


An example of the filter command being successfully executed with median:

  1. Enter the command list

  2. Enter the command filter t/interview met/median (Filter by median)

  3. This is the result of the successful filter command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


Error handling for filter command:

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing filter keyword: filter Unknown command! Follow the command format strictly of filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC val/VALUE for score and percentile or filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC for mean or median.
Missing parameters Incomplete parameter inputs. t/TAG and met/SCORE are compulsory fields. Enter the command again with the correct parameters.
Invalid tag as tag has wrong category or does not exist Tag does not exist! Check that the tag is of the category assessment and that the tag exists using listT. Use the create command if it does not.
Invalid metric Invalid metric provided. Needs to be one of: score, mean, median, percentile Check that the metric is one of the following: score, mean, median, percentile and that it is spelt correctly. Enter the command again with any of the 4 metric
Invalid value Invalid value provided. Needs to be a non negative integer that is more than or equal to 0 Check that the value is a non-negative integer that is more than or equal to 0. Enter the command again with the correct value.
Missing value val/VALUE is missing, it is compulsory. Enter a value for val/VALUE since the metric requires it.
Multiple prefixes of the same type being used Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): prefix/ Remove the duplicate prefix. The command should only have 1 of every prefix

Tip: To know if it is an error, the command entered will light up in red. It remains in the command box.

  1. The error message will be displayed in the result display box.
  2. Follow the error handling table for the command or use the suggested course of action in the result display to rectify the error.

Significance of using filter with the metrics score, percentile, mean and median: In essence, this allows you to find job applicants whose performance rating is above a certain percentile, score or mean/median score for that tag.
Ideally, this feature can then be used to find the best applicants easily and quickly without having to manually look through the list of applicants.

Summary Statistics

Summary Statistics is a table generated by JABPro that displays the following information about an applicant: It is generated for tags that are categorised under the assessment category.

Statistic / Metric Description
score The score of the applicant for the tag.
mean The mean score of applicant with that tag.
median The median score of applicant with that tag.
minimum The minimum score of applicant with that tag.
maximum The maximum score of applicant with that tag.
percentile The percentile of the applicant for that tag.

You should ensure that you have sufficient candidates of more than 20 with a score for the tag you are interested in, before using the summary statistics to make comparisons.

Notes on why you should have sufficient applicants with a score for the tag you are interested in:

  1. This is due to the fact that these summary statistics rely on concepts such as mean, median and percentile, which are statistical concepts that require a sufficient sample size to be meaningful.
  2. For example, if you have only assigned 5 out of 100 applicants, the summary statistics will not be representative of the actual mean, median and percentile for that tag.
  3. In this case, you should assign more applicants with a score for that tag, before using the summary statistics to make comparisons.
  4. If you have assigned a sufficient number of applicants with a score for that tag, you can use the summary statistics to make comparisons. For example, you want to check if an applicant's score for a tag is more than or equal to half of all the applicant who have a score for that tag, you can use the median to make this comparison.
  • A sufficient number could be deemed as any number that is more than 20, but this is not a hard and fast rule. You should use your own discretion to determine if the number of applicant with a score for that tag is sufficient.
  1. Use mostly median and percentile to make your judgement on the performance of an applicant.
  2. median to find applicants who are the better performing half
  3. percentile as where this applicant stands among all other applicants (treat it like a ranking system, the higher the percentile, the better the applicant is performing)

Advanced users

  • Understand that percentile has limited functionality in some context. This is because if two applicants have the same score, they are rank the same. This means that the percentile of both applicants will be the same.
    • If all applicants have the same score, their percentile will all be 0.0. This is because they are all rank the same.
    • Additionally, when the spread of scores is small, the percentile will not be able to differentiate between applicants with similar scores.

Formula used to calculate the summary statistics:
mean is calculated by using the formula sum of all scores with that tag / number of applicants with that tag
median is calculated by using the formula middle score of all scores with that tag
minimum is calculated by using the formula lowest score of all scores with that tag
maximum is calculated by using the formula highest score of all scores with that tag
percentile is calculated by using the formula number of applicants with a score strictly lower than the applicant / total number of applicants with that tag