JABPro User Guide

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Product Overview

Are you a Hiring Manager who's tired of managing applicant applications through cumbersome spreadsheets?

Upgrade your hiring process with JABPro (JobApplicationsBook Pro), a CLI based desktop app that allows you to:

  • easily manage job applicants' contact details,
  • schedule interviews,
  • and gain valuable insights on their interview performance!

From interns to full-time roles, software to marketing, JABPro’s versatile interface allows you to keep track of all kinds of job applicants in various industries.

If you are a Hiring Manager, looking to improve your applications management workflow, JABPro is the tool for you!

Access our self-curated user guide below to learn more on how you can integrate various JABPro’s functions into your workflow.

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Features Overview

While JABPro offers a whole range of features, we believe that the following features are likely to be the most useful to you:

Viewing details of applicants:

  • Viewing applicant's information: view

Tag colouring and categorisation:

  • Creating a tag with a specified category: create
  • Listing all tags: listT
  • Adding and editing an applicant's tags and tag scores: edit

Event management and Scheduling:

  • Adding an event: event
  • Viewing events: schedule

Comparing and filtering applicants:

  • Filtering applicants by statistics: filter

These features address the complications that Hiring Managers face when managing applicants:

  1. Visual Noise and Clutter from using other applicant management software like Excel

Viewing details of applicants and Tag colouring and categorisation address this by creating an organized and intuitive way to view applicants and their details. This is done through colour coding and minimalistic design.

  1. Toggling between different software to manage applicants and schedule events

Event Management and Scheduling address this by allowing you to schedule events and view them in the same software. This means that you do not have to toggle between different software to manage applicants and schedule events.

  1. Having to manually calculate summary statistics and compare applicants Comparing and filtering applicants address this by allowing you to filter applicants by statistics and compare them. This means that you do not have to manually calculate summary statistics and compare applicants.

Go to the Table of Contents to navigate to the feature that you are interested in

Key Definitions

Our user guide takes into consideration your level of expertise in JABPro.

You are a beginner user if ...

  1. You are new to JABPro (used JABPro less than 5 times) and,
  2. you wish to fully rely on the JABPro interface.

ALl the notes and tips mentioned in this user guide are directed towards beginners unless otherwise stated.

You are an advanced user if ...

  1. You have used JABPro multiple times now and,
  2. you use JABPro's search and summary statistics extensively for comparison or
  3. you would like to challenge yourself to go beyond the JABPro user interface and manually edit files.

Notes and tips curated for you are labeled by the following box!


Also, take note of the following icons and their meanings.

This is a warning. Watch out for these!

This refers to highlighted information that you should take note of!

This is a tip. It's good to know but not a must-have!

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Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest jabpro.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your JabPro.

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar jabpro.jar command to run the application.
    A GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.


Caution: ensure your JABPro contains some sample data. If it starts off empty then there might be some issues with the launch which might result in some commands to not run properly. See below to learn how to troubleshoot this problem!

My app does not contain any sample data! Not to worry, here are some steps you can take to fix this:

  1. On your command terminal, cd into the folder where you put the jar file in.
  2. Run cd Data to navigate to the Data folder. This is the folder where JABPro stores the application data on your computer.
  3. Run ls to view all the files stored in this folder.
  4. You should be able to see a file titled addressbook.json. Run rm addressbook.json to delete this file.
  5. Run cd .. to navigate back to the folder you were in before.
  6. Run java -jar jabpro.jar to relaunch the application. You should be able to see a GUI similar to the one above.
  1. If your UI looks compressed and words are being cut off such as that seen below, you should resize the window to a larger size by dragging the corners of the application window. The UI should now look like the example given above.


    Here's what each part of the GUI signifies:


Colour Component Description
Menu Bar Provides buttons for exiting, opening Help window, and opening Events window.
Command Box Allows you to enter a command.
Result Display Displays the result of the command execution.
Applicant List Panel Displays a list of all applicants in JABPro.
Applicant Card Displays certain details of an applicant for quick view, such as name, address, phone, email, tags, LinkedIn/GitHub username.
Applicant Information Panel Displays a detailed view of an applicant, providing information of status and remarks, in addition to the basic information about the applicant.
Summary Statistics Panel Displays summary statistics for a particular applicant pertaining to a specific tag.

In addition, there are windows such as:

  • Help Window [accessed by the help command, or through Menu Bar].
  • Events Window [accessed by the schedule command, or through Menu Bar].
  • TagList window [accessed through the listT command].

Details for each have been provided with the respective commands.

  1. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. Go to our command summary to see some example commands you can try.

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Command Failure

How to know if your command has failed?

  1. You will see the command that you have entered being highlighted in red.
  2. The command will not be cleared from the command box.
  3. The error message will be shown in the result display panel.
  4. The UI below will not be updated if your command has failed.

The example below shows a command failure for view: CommandFailure

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Viewing help: help

Opens the Help window that leads you to the User Guide for assistance on working with JABPro.

Format: help

Tip: The Help window can also be accessed by clicking Help > Help F1 in the menu bar, located at the top of the window.

Additionally, pressing the F1 key also opens the Help Window.

Example of successful execution of the help command:

  1. Enter the command help
  2. This is the result of the successful help command:


The Help Window opens up as follows:


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Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g. n/NAME [t/TAGNAME] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • When using parentheses ( ) with items separated by the slash symbol /, at least one item must be included.
    e.g. in the command search (n/NAME... st/STATUS... t/TAGNAME...), it is necessary to specify at least one search category.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. t/TAGNAME…​ can be used as (i.e. 0 times), t/swe t/intern for add commands or t/swe intern for search and delete commands.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, listT, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

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1. Managing Tags

Tags are meant to help you easily remember applicants details by appending different colour coding to different types of information.

Creating tags: create

Creates a tag and categorises it to the specified category.

Format: create t/CATEGORY TAGNAME…​

Type Field Constraints
Mandatory t/CATEGORY TAGNAME TAGNAME must be alphanumeric (letters and numbers, no spaces and symbols allowed such as /, , ...)


  • JABPro offers 3 predefined tag categories namely employment, role, and dept. However, you can define up to 3 more tag categories of your own!
  • The tags created using this command can be used to tag applicants using the add or edit command. Tagging applicant without previously creating the tags using create would still work but the tags would be uncategorised.
  • create only allows tags to be categorised at creation meaning tags that have already been created, cannot be categorised further i.e. cannot edit tag categories of tags.
  • The field t/CATEGORY TAGNAME must strictly contain only two words hence it is advisable for you to keep the TAGNAME alphanumerical (contains no spaces). Any other word that comes after t/CATEGORY TAGNAME that is not preceded by a t/ prefix would be ignored and the tag for the first valid tag is created.
    Example: create t/role software developer would create the tag software and ignore the word developer.


  • You can create multiple tags at once i.e. create t/dept marketing t/role developer ...
  • Use this command for frequently used tags for better efficiency in tagging applicants.
  • You can view all of your tags by keying in the listT command.

An example of the create command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command create t/dept marketing t/role developer

  2. This is what you should see upon successful execution of command.


  3. View your newly created tags using the listT command.


Failed to create tags? Here are some possible reasons why

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing create keyword: create Unknown command Follow the command format of create t/CATEGORY TAGNAME…​ closely
Missing mandatory field e.g. create Invalid command format! Ensure that you specify at least one tag category and tag name of the tag you would like to create.
Incomplete field e.g. create t/test Invalid command format! Ensure that both parts of the field are included i.e. specify both tag category and tag name.
Invalid tag name e.g. create t/developer@ Tags names should be alphanumeric. Ensure that the tag name does not contain any non-alphanumeric characters i.e. no symbols and whitespaces.
Tag already exists This tag already exists in the address book! Since the tag already exists, there is no need for you to create a new one. You can reuse this same tag to tag applicants!
Using commas as delimiters of different prefixes instead of whitespaces e.g. create t/dept software, t/role marketing Invalid command format! Remove the comma(s) e.g. create t/dept software, t/role marketing

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Listing all tags: listT

Shows a list of all tags in JABPro

Format: listT

  • The listT command does not require any additional parameters or arguments.
  • Tags listed by the listT command are unique and do not repeat.


  • listT Shows a list of all tags.


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2. Managing Applicants

Adding an applicant: add

Adds an applicant to JABPro.


Type Field Constraints
Mandatory n/NAME NAME must be alphanumeric (Letters and numbers, no symbols allowed such as /, , ...).
Mandatory p/PHONE_NUMBER PHONE_NUMBER must contain numbers only and should be at-least 3 digits long.
Mandatory e/EMAIL EMAIL must be the standard email address format (There must be an email-prefix followed by @ symbol and email domain).
Mandatory a/ADDRESS ADDRESS can be any value, including special characters such as #, , ...
Optional t/[CATEGORY] TAGNAME [CATEGORY] is optional. TAGNAME` must be alphanumeric with no spaces. Any details after the space will be ignored.

Notes regarding additional constraint on add command:

  • The uniqueness of the applicant is determined by the name only. This means that you cannot have 2 applicants with the same name in the application book.
  • All other fields other than name can be identical between different people in JABPro.
  • Applicants added using the add command will be added to the end of the overall list of applicants (i.e. the list that you would get when you do list).

Notes on adding tags:

  • If you would like to tag a user with a tag that has not been categorised yet using the create command, you can specify the category that you would like it to be categorised to in the add command. e.g. ...t/role swe
  • If you are using a tag that has not been categorised yet, and you did not specify its category in the add command, the tag would still be saved, but it would be uncategorized by default.
  • If you have multiple tags in different categories with the same name, you must specify the category when you want to add one of these tags to the applicant you are adding.


  • An applicant can have any number of tags (including 0)!

An example of the add command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command add n/Betsy Crowe t/friend e/betsycrowe@example.com a/Newgate Prison p/1234567 t/dept finance

  2. This is the result of the successful add command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


Failed to add applicants? Here are some possible reasons why

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing add keyword: add Unknown command Follow the command format of add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAGNAME]…​ closely
Missing mandatory fields Invalid command format! Ensure that all mandatory fields are filled up.
Duplicate name This person already exists in the address book Ensure that the name of the applicant is unique. That is you cannot add the same name twice. Use some form of extra identification like a number
Invalid phone number Phone numbers should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long Ensure that the phone number only contains number and should be at least 3 digits long
Invalid email Emails should be of the format local-part@domain and adhere to the following constraints: Ensure that the prefix and domain of the email is correct following the constraints stated by the error
Invalid tag name Tag names should only contain alphanumeric characters and should not be blank Ensure that the tag name only contains alphanumeric characters and should not be blank
Multiple prefixes of the same type being used Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): prefix/ Remove the duplicate prefix. The command should only have 1 of every prefix except for t/

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Adding a remark to an applicant: remark

Edits a remark of an existing applicant in JABPro. Format: remark INDEX r/REMARK

Type Field Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be an existing index in the displayed applicant list and it must not be greater than the total number of applicants in JABPro.
Optional r/ [REMARK] REMARK can be any value, including special characters such as #, , ...

Notes regarding remark command:

  • The previous remark is not saved, and instead is replaced by the inputted remark. The command does not add to the existing remark.
  • You can empty out a remark by inputting r/ without any text after it or by omitting the r/ prefix.
  • You can get the remark previously inputted by using the **REMARK** keyword. It will be replaced with the previous remark (see example below). The keyword **REMARK** is case-sensitive. This means that remark 1 r/**remark** will just replace the remark with the word **remark**.
  • You can use multiple prefix for remark but only the last prefix will be used. This means that remark 1 r/remark r/remark2 will just replace the remark with remark2.

An example of the remark command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command remark 1 r/Great attitude, hardworking
  2. This is the result of the successful remark command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result): Remark-Success

An example of the remark command being successfully executed with the REMARK keyword:

  1. Enter the command remark 1 r/**REMARK** furthermore he is great at teamwork
  2. This is the result of the successful remark command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result): Remark-Success

Failed to add remark to an applicant? Here are some possible reasons why

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing remark keyword: remark Unknown command Follow the command format of remark INDEX r/[REMARK] closely
Missing Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is filled up.
Invalid Index The person index provided is invalid Ensure that the index is valid. That is it is a number that is on the displayed applicant list.
Negative or 0 Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is a positive integer and is also a number that is on the displayed applicant list.

Additional Examples:

  • remark 1 Empties the remark of the 1st applicant. It is equivalent to remark 1 r/.

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Adding LinkedIn/GitHub username for a user: addL or addG

Adds the username for their social profile [LinkedIn/GitHub] to the existing contact details of applicants.


Type Field Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be a non-zero unsigned integer and it must not be greater than the total number of applicants in JABPro.
Mandatory u/USERNAME USERNAME must be a string value. Only the prefix (i.e. u/) is mandatory.

Notes regarding addL and addG command:

  • Any set of characters entered after the prefix u/ is taken to be the username, except if the prefix u/ occurs multiple times.
  • You may provide the username multiple times with the prefix u/, however, JABPro only considers the set of characters entered after the last occurring instance of u/ as the username.
  • You are expected to ensure that USERNAME is a valid username for the respective social profile. If it is not a valid username, user will be redirected to the error page of the corresponding social profile when linkedin or github command is invoked. JABPro does not perform checks for the validity of the username for the corresponding social profile.
  • Invoking the addL or addG command for an applicant for whom a username has already been added, will simply overwrite the existing username with the new one.
  • You may run the command addL INDEX u/ or addG INDEX u/, i.e. providing no username, or simply providing blanks for the username. Such inputs are accepted by JABPro. However, it will prove to be erroneous when linkedin or github command is invoked.

Example of successful execution of the addL command:

  1. Enter the command addL 1 u/alexyeoh
  2. This is the result of the successful addL command


addG command is invoked in the same way.

Failed to add LinkedIn/Github username? Here are some possible reasons why

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing addL or addG keyword Unknown command Follow the command format of addL INDEX u/USERNAME or addG INDEX u/USERNAME closely
Missing Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is filled up.
Invalid Index The person index provided is invalid Ensure that the index is valid. That is it is a number that is on the displayed applicant list.
Negative or 0 Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is a positive integer and is also a number that is on the displayed applicant list.
Missing username Invalid command format! Ensure that the username is filled up

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Opening user LinkedIn or GitHub account: linkedin or github

Redirects user to applicant's LinkedIn or GitHub account.

Format: linkedin INDEX or github INDEX

Type Field Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be a non-zero unsigned integer and it must not be greater than the total number of applicants in JABPro.

Notes regarding LinkedIn and GitHub commands:

  • User is expected to enter INDEX for an applicant for whom username [that is not blank, or does not comprise of only spaces] has been added previously.
  • User is redirected to the page of the social profile regardless of the validity of the username for that particular social profile (i.e. whether the social profile exists)

Example of successful execution of github command:

  1. Enter the command github 1
  2. This is the result of the successful github command [It is assumed an applicant exists in JABPro, with Github username previously added]:


The GitHub window opens as follows, displaying the profile with the specified username, or error page in case profile with that username does not exist:


linkedin command is invoked in the same manner.

Failed to redirect to social profile? Here are some possible reasons why

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing linkedin or github keyword Unknown command Follow the command format of linkedin INDEX or github INDEX closely
Missing Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is filled up.
Invalid Index The person index provided is invalid Ensure that the index is valid. That is it is a number that is on the displayed applicant list.
Negative or 0 Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is a positive integer and is also a number that is on the displayed applicant list.
Missing account for provided Index No LinkedIn account has been added for this candidate. or No Github account has been added for this candidate. Ensure that username has been previously added to the specified candidate

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Setting an applicant's status: set

Sets the applicant to a specific status ("Preliminary"/ "Interviewed"/ "Rejected"/ "Offered").

Format: set INDEX STATUS

Type Field Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be an existing index in the displayed applicant list and it must not be greater than the total number of applicant in JABPro. It must also be a positive integer
Mandatory STATUS STATUS must be one of the following - "Preliminary", "Interviewed", "Rejected", "Accepted". It is case-insensitive.


  • list followed by set 2 Interviewed sets the 2nd applicant in the address book to "Interviewed".

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Viewing an applicant's details: view

Creates a complete view for details of an applicant in the applicant information panel and summary statistics (if applicable) of an applicant in the summary statistics panel.

Format: view INDEX

Type Field Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be an existing index in the displayed applicant list and it must not be greater than the total number of applicant in JABPro. It must also be a positive integer.

Notes regarding view command:

Tip: Other operations that affect user's data will trigger a refresh of the view. These include add, edit, set, remark, addL, addG. This means that the view will be updated to reflect the latest changes to the data for that particular applicant.

An example of the view command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command view 3

  2. This is the result of the successful view command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


An example of the view command being successfully executed for applicant with tags and score:

  1. Enter the command view 2 (Applicant with tags and score)

  2. This is the result of the successful view command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


Failed to execute view command? Here are some possible reasons why

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing view keyword: view Unknown command Follow the command format of view INDEX closely
Missing Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is filled up.
Invalid Index The person index provided is invalid Ensure that the index is valid. That is it is a number that is on the displayed applicant list.

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Editing an applicant: edit

Edits an existing applicant's detail in JABPro. It also includes the functionality to add scores to a specific applicant.

Format: edit INDEX ([n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAGNAME]…​ [sc/TAGNAME SCORE])

Type Field Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be a non-zero unsigned integer and must also not be greater than the total number of applicants in JABPro.
Mandatory* n/NAME NAME must be alphanumeric (Letters and numbers, no symbols allowed such as /, , ...).
Mandatory* p/PHONE_NUMBER PHONE_NUMBER must contain numbers only and should be at-least 3 digits long.
Mandatory* e/EMAIL EMAIL must be the standard email address format (There must be an email-prefix followed by @ symbol and email domain).
Mandatory* a/ADDRESS ADDRESS can be any value, including special characters such as #, , ...
Mandatory* t/[CATEGORY] TAGNAME TAGNAME must be alphanumeric with no spaces. Any details after the space will be ignored.
Mandatory* sc/TAGNAME SCORE TAGNAME a tag that is being created or already exist for that applicant. SCORE must be a non-negative integer.

*it is mandatory if and only if it is the only field used in the command.

Notes regarding edit command:

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing attributes will be updated to the parameters.
  • There is a way to edit tags to an existing applicant and their categories at the same time. Look at the notes for editing tags with categories t/[CATEGORY] TAGNAME for more details.

Tip: Editing an applicant's details will trigger a refresh of the view. This means that the view will be updated to reflect the latest changes to the data for that particular applicant.

Editing tags of an applicant? Take note of the following:

  • When editing the tags of a specific applicant, the existing tags of the applicant will be removed i.e. adding of tags is not cumulative. You will have to re-tag the applicant with the existing tags and the new tags.
  • Doing edit INDEX /t removes the tags of the applicant at that index.
  • If you used a tag that has not been created using create in an edit command, the tag would still be added to the applicant, but it would be uncategorized.
  • If you have multiple tags in different categories with the same name, you must specify the category when you want to tag the specified applicant with one of these tags e.g. edit INDEX t/CATEGORY DUPLICATETAGNAME


  • If you still would like to tag an applicant that has not been created, but you do not want this tag to be uncategorized, you can do so by doing edit INDEX t/CATEGORY TAGNAME.

Caution: If you tag a person with a tag that has not been categorised yet without specifying the category i.e. edit 1 t/UNCATEGORIZEDTAG, and then you created that same tag with a specific category using create, you need to re-tag the person with the same tag name again in order to overwrite the previous uncategorized tag with the categorized tag.

This is because, create only creates new categorized tags. It does not categorize existing tags when you do create t/CATEGORY EXISTINGTAGNAME

Editing the score of an applicant? Take note of the following:

  • The TAG in sc/TAGNAME SCORE must be a tag of the category assessment. You cannot use the sc/TAG SCORE field for tags that are not of the assessment category.
  • The SCORE in sc/TAG SCORE is non-negative, that is SCORE must be more than or equal to 0.
  • To clear a tag's score, just re-tag it with the same tag name, but without using the sc/TAG SCORE field e.g. edit 1 t/SCORETAG
  • You can only edit the score of an applicant i.e. edit INDEX sc/TAGNAME SCORE if they have been tagged with the assessment-related TAGNAME.


  • You can also tag the applicant and edit their score at the same time by doing edit INDEX t/TAGNAME sc/TAGNAME SCORE.
  • Note that the tag has to have already been created using create with the category assessment. You cannot do this with a tag that hasn't been created even if you specified its category assessment i.e. edit INDEX t/assessment interview1 sc/interview1 100 does NOT work. This is because, you cannot create tag and edit score at the same time as editing score relies on the fact that the tag has already existed.

How is creating tags using edit different from create?
Both will create categorized tags and add them to the tag list but create serves the singular purpose of creating categorized tags, while the main purpose of edit is to edit the details of an applicant which includes tags.
The reason why we've allowed you to create tags in the event you use edit with a tag that hasn't been created is for the sake of convenience (i.e. if you had forgotten to create the tag, it would still be added to the applicant you were editing).
Nonetheless, we strongly recommend you to use create to create categorized tags if your only intention is to create tags.

An example of the edit command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command edit 1 n/Alex Ho p/91234567 (edits name and phone number)

  2. This is the result of the successful edit command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


An example of the edit command being successfully executed with tags and score:

  1. Ensure that you have created a tag Interview under the assessment category using the create command. Enter the command create t/assessment Interview

  2. Enter the command edit 1 t/Interview sc/Interview 80 (edits tag and score)

  3. This is the result of the successful edit command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


An example of the edit command being successfully executed to clear a tags and score:

  1. Enter the command edit 1 t/ (Clear all tags)

  2. This is the result of the successful edit command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


Failed to edit an applicant's details? Here are some possible reasons why

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing edit keyword: edit Unknown command Follow the command format of edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAGNAME]…​ [sc/TAGNAME SCORE] closely
Missing Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is filled up.
Invalid Index The person index provided is invalid Ensure that the index is a valid number on the displayed applicant list.
Missing at least one of the field At least one field to edit must be provided. Ensure that at least one of the field is filled up and to be changed.
Duplicate name This person already exists in the address book Ensure that the name of the applicant is unique. That is, you cannot add the same name twice. Use some form of extra identification like a number
Invalid phone number Phone numbers should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long Ensure that the phone number only contains numbers and should be at least 3 digits long
Invalid email Emails should be of the format local-part@domain and adhere to the following constraints: ... Ensure that the prefix and domain of the email is correct, following the constraints stated by the error
Invalid tag name Tag names should only contain alphanumeric characters and should not be blank Ensure that the tag name only contains alphanumeric characters and should not be blank
Multiple prefixes of the same type being used (does not apply to tag prefix t) Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): prefix/ Remove the duplicate prefix. The command should only have 1 of every prefix except for t/
Missing score for tag Invalid score, score must be non-negative integer. Ensure that the score is filled up and is separated from the TAGNAME by a whitespace (NOT commas).
Invalid tag to attach score Invalid score tag, tag must a tag of the category assessment and must exist on the applicant Ensure that the tag is of the category assessment and it exists on the applicant. If it's the wrong category, use create i.e. create t/assessment TAGNAME to firstly create the categorized tag. If it is not tagged to the person use edit i.e. edit INDEX t/TAGNAME
Missing valid score-tag on applicant The tag does not exist, cannot attach a score to it Ensure that the applicant has the tag and it is of category assessment, this is what is considered a valid score-tag. This is done by creating an assessment category for the tag name using create and update tag using edit INDEX t/TAGNAME ...
Tag ambiguity Multiple tags exists with the same name! Specify the category of the tag when adding it to a person e.g. edit 1 t/experience 3 Specify the category of the tag you want to add in the field e.g.edit INDEX t/CATEGORY DUPLICATETAGNAME

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Deleting job applicants: delete

Deletes the specified job applicants from the address book.

Format: delete INDEX

Type Field Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be a non-zero unsigned integer and must also not be greater than the total number of applicants in JABPro.

Format: delete (t/TAGNAME... st/STATUS...)

Type Field Constraints
Mandatory* t/TAGNAME TAGNAME must be alphanumeric and contains no spaces.
Mandatory* st/STATUS STATUS must either be preliminary, interviewed, offered, rejected.

*it is mandatory if and only if it is the only field used in the command.


  • User cannot delete by index and delete by tags & status in a single command.
    E.g. delete 1 t/hardworking is not allowed.
  • delete by tags & status requires at least ONE delete parameter i.e. st/STATUS, or t/TAGNAME.
  • Each prefix can only be used at most once.
  • Multiple delete parameters for a specific category are divided by spaces (not commas!) i.e. delete st/preliminary interviewed
  • Delete parameters are case-insensitive i.e. doing delete t/interN is the same as delete t/intern



  • You can combine multiple delete categories in a single delete command e.g. delete st/interviewed t/intern

An example of delete by index command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command delete Bernice


  2. Enter the command delete 1


Similarly, here are some examples of delete by tags & status command being successfully executed:

Assuming this as the data after executing list: delete-by-tags-status-pre

  1. delete t/marketing software


    The above delete command deleted all applicants whose tags match ANY of the given keywords. This is because delete does an OR search within a specific category.

  2. delete st/interviewed t/software


    The above delete command only deleted Bernice because delete does an AND search across multiple categories.

What does it mean to do an OR delete within a single category and an AND delete across multiple categories?
It's best to explain this by breaking down an example delete command!
delete st/interviewed rejected t/intern manager will delete applicants whose:

  • status is either interviewed OR rejected
  • AND has a tag intern or manager.

Failed to execute the delete command? Here are some possible reasons why

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing delete keyword Unknown command! Follow the command format delete INDEX OR delete (st/STATUS... t/TAGNAME...)
Missing delete categories e.g. delete Invalid command format! Make sure you include at least one of the delete categories i.e. /st, /t.
Invalid INDEX e.g. delete 0, delete -1 Invalid command format! Make sure INDEX is a positive integer.
Invalid status e.g. delete st/in, delete st/ Status should be either one of the following: 'Preliminary','Interviewed', 'Offered', 'Rejected' and it should not be blank. Check that the status is one of the following: preliminary, interviewed, rejected, offered.
Invalid tag e.g. delete t/intern@, delete t/ Tags names should be alphanumeric. Ensure that tag does not contain any non alphanumeric characters such as &, $, @, -, %, *, _, empty space, etc.
Multiple prefixes of the same category being used e.g. delete t/intern t/manager Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): prefix/. Remove the duplicate prefix. The command should only have at most one of every prefix.
Using commas as delimiters of different parameters instead of spaces e.g. delete t/intern, manager Status should be either one of the following: 'Preliminary','Interviewed', 'Offered', 'Rejected' and it should not be blank
Tags names should be alphanumeric.
Remove the comma(s) e.g. delete t/intern manager
Using commas as delimiters of different parameters instead of spaces e.g. delete st/interviewed, t/intern Should display the error message for either invalid status or tag depending on the first prefix because it will consider the comma and anything that comes after it as part of the first prefix. Remove the comma(s) e.g. delete n/alex t/intern

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3. Filtering and Listing Applicants

Finds job applicants whose profiles match the specified categories' keywords. The search categories are: name, status, tag.

Format: search (n/NAME... st/STATUS... t/TAGNAME...)

Type Field Constraints
Mandatory* n/NAME NAME must be alphanumeric (Letters and numbers, no symbols allowed such as /, , ...).
Mandatory* st/STATUS STATUS must either be preliminary, interviewed, offered, rejected.
Mandatory* t/TAGNAME TAGNAME must be alphanumeric and contains no spaces.

*it is mandatory if and only if it is the only field used in the command.


  • search requires at least ONE search parameter i.e. n/NAME, st/STATUS, or t/TAGNAME.
  • Each prefix can only be used at most once.
  • Multiple search parameters for a specific category are divided by spaces (not commas!) i.e. search st/preliminary interviewed
  • Search parameters are case-insensitive i.e. doing search n/aLeX is the same as search n/alex



  • You can combine multiple search categories in a single search command e.g. search n/alex st/interviewed t/intern

Here are some examples of search command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter search n/alex bernice


    The above search command displayed all applicants whose name match ANY of the given keywords. This is because search does an OR search within a specific category.

  2. Enter search n/alex bernice st/interviewed t/intern


    Notice how the above search command did not display "Alex" despite his profile matching the name and tag categories. This is because search does an AND search across multiple categories.

What does it mean to do an OR search within a single category and an AND search across multiple categories?
It's best to explain this by breaking down an example search command!
search n/alex bernice st/interviewed t/intern will output applicants whose:

  • names contain either Alex OR Bernice
  • AND status is either interviewed
  • AND has a tag intern

Failed to execute the search command? Here are some possible reasons why

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing search keyword Unknown command! Follow the command format search (n/NAME... st/STATUS... t/TAGNAME...)
Missing search categories e.g. search Invalid command format! Make sure you include at least one of the search categories i.e. /n, /st, /t.
Invalid name e.g. search n/alex@, search n/ Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank. Ensure that name does not contain any non-alphanumeric characters such as &, $, @, -, %, *, _, etc.
Invalid status e.g. search st/in, search st/ Status should be either one of the following: 'Preliminary','Interviewed', 'Offered', 'Rejected' and it should not be blank. Check that the status is one of the following: preliminary, interviewed, rejected, offered. Enter the command again with any of the 4 metric
Invalid tag e.g. search t/intern@, search t/ Tags names should be alphanumeric. Ensure that tag does not contain any non alphanumeric characters such as &, $, @, -, %, *, _, empty space, etc.
Multiple prefixes of the same category being used e.g. search n/alex n/bernice Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): prefix/. Remove the duplicate prefix. The command should only have at most one of every prefix.
Using commas as delimiters of different parameters instead of spaces e.g. search n/alex, bernice Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank
Status should be either one of the following: 'Preliminary','Interviewed', 'Offered', 'Rejected' and it should not be blank
Tags names should be alphanumeric.
Remove the comma(s) e.g. search n/alex yeoh
Using commas as delimiters of different parameters instead of spaces e.g. search n/alex, t/intern Should display the error message for either invalid name, status, or tag depending on the first prefix because it will consider the comma and anything that comes after it as part of the first prefix. Remove the comma(s) e.g. search n/alex t/intern

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Filter job applicants by statistics: filter

Filters and display applicants in the current displayed applicant list using statistical metrics and values.
In essence, this allows you to find job applicants whose performance rating is above a certain percentile, score or mean/median score for that tag.

Ideally, this feature can then be used to find the best applicants easily and quickly without having to manually look through the list of applicants.

Format:filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC val/VALUE or filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC

Type Field Constraints
Mandatory t/TAGNAME TAGNAME must be a tag that is of the category assessment.
Mandatory met/METRIC METRIC must be either score, percentile, mean, median.
Mandatory* val/VALUE VALUE must be a non-negative integer and is a mandatory field only for score and percentile

*val/VALUE is an optional field for mean and median

  • For METRIC that is score or percentile, filter displays job applicants whose value is greater than or equal to the specified value for the specified statistic metric.
  • For METRIC that is mean or median, the VALUE is optional. Specifying a VALUE here will be ignored accordingly. filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC is equivalent to filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC val/X where X is any positive integer.
  • Do look at the Summary Statistics section for more details on the summary statistics metrics.


  • Filter works only on the current list of job applicants displayed. It is essential that you enter list before using filter to ensure that you are filtering the correct list of job applicants.
  • Filter does not edit, update or in any way change the data of the job applicants. It only filters and displays the job applicants.
  • Filter does not trigger view, that is your view panels represent the previous applicant you viewed before filtering.
  • To get back the original list with all the applicants, simply type list again.

You should use filter after you have tagged most of the job applicants with a tag that has a score.
This is because some metrics such as percentile, mean and median require a certain number of scores to be considered meaningful. Read more about this in the Summary Statistics section.

Set up for examples when you first start JABPro with default data:

  1. list

  2. create t/assessment interview to create a tag interview under the assessment category.

  3. edit 1 t/interview sc/interview 80

  4. edit 2 t/interview sc/interview 90

  5. edit 3 t/interview sc/interview 70

  6. The result of the above commands should look like this:


An example of the filter command being successfully executed:

  1. Enter the command list

  2. Enter the command filter t/interview met/percentile val/80 (Filter by percentile)

  3. This is the result of the successful filter command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


An example of the filter command being successfully executed with median:

  1. Enter the command list

  2. Enter the command filter t/interview met/median (Filter by median)

  3. This is the result of the successful filter command (Take note that command entered will not be shown in the result):


Failed to execute the filter command? Here are some possible reasons why:

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing filter keyword: filter Unknown command! Follow the command format strictly of filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC val/VALUE for score and percentile or filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC for mean or median.
Missing parameters Incomplete parameter inputs. t/TAG and met/SCORE are compulsory fields. Enter the command again with the correct parameters.
Tag missing on applicants Tag does not exist! Check that the tag is used on at least one applicant and that the tag is a assessment tag also. Add the tag to the applicants using edit
Invalid tag name Invalid tag provided. Needs to be non-empty name Check that the tag name is not empty and is alphanumeric (a valid tag name) and does not contain space. Additionally, the tag must already have a category of assessment, ensure this by using listT
Invalid metric Invalid metric provided. Needs to be one of: score, mean, median, percentile Check that the metric is one of the following: score, mean, median, percentile and that it is spelt correctly. Enter the command again with any of the 4 metric
Invalid value Invalid value provided. Needs to be a non negative integer that is more than or equal to 0 Check that the value is a non-negative integer that is more than or equal to 0. Enter the command again with the correct value.
Missing value val/VALUE is missing, it is compulsory. Enter a value for val/VALUE since the metric requires it.
Multiple prefixes of the same type being used Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): prefix/ Remove the duplicate prefix. The command should only have 1 of every prefix

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Listing all applicant: list

Shows a list of all applicants in JABPro

Format: list [so/ATTRIBUTE]

Type Field Constraints
Optional so/ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE must either be name or email.


  • Attribute is case-insensitive: list so/NAME and list so/name return the same result.
  • The result will be sorted in ascending order.
  • The sorting algorithm is case-sensitive, which means it will treat uppercase and lowercase letters as distinct. This may result in names being sorted as A B C a b c, rather than A a B b C c.

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4. Managing Events

Adding an Event: event

Adds an event, associated with an applicant, to JABPro.


Type Field Constraints
Mandatory INDEX INDEX must be a non-zero unsigned integer and it must not be greater than the total number of applicant in JABPro
Mandatory d/DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION must be a string value. Only the prefix (i.e. d/) is mandatory.
Mandatory bt/BEGIN_TIME BEGIN_TIME must be a valid date-time, in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
Mandatory et/END_TIME END_TIME must be a valid date-time, in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm, and after the BEGIN_TIME


  • JABPro allows the addition of multiple events associated with the same applicant, having the same description. It is up to the user to provided detailed descriptions to distinguish events from one another.
  • Events added to JABPro can also be found in the data/eventbook.json file. Existing events are also read from the file when JABPro starts up.
  • Events with empty DESCRIPTIONs can also be added. However, the prefix d/ must still be present.

Example of successful execution of event command:

  1. Enter the command event 1 d/Interview bt/2023-11-12 10:00 et/2023-11-12 12:00
  2. This is the result of the successful event command [It is assumed an applicant called Alex Yeoh exists in JABPro]:


The changes in UI take place in the Events Window. Please find more details in Viewing Events.

Failed to execute teh event command? Here are some possible reasons why:

Reason for Error Error Message Remedy / Suggested course of action
Missing event keyword: event Unknown command Follow the command format of event INDEX d/DESCRIPTION bt/START_TIME et/END_TIME closely
Missing Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is filled up.
Invalid Index The person index provided is invalid Ensure that the index is valid. That is it is a number that is on the displayed applicant list.
Negative or 0 Index Invalid command format! Ensure that the index is a positive integer and is also a number that is on the displayed applicant list.
Missing description Invalid command format! Ensure that the description is filled up
Missing start time Invalid command format! Ensure that the start time is filled up
Missing end time Invalid command format! Ensure that the end time is filled up
Start time/End time not in correct format Date is not in correct format! Ensure that the start time/end time is in yyyy-MM-dd format
Start time/End time not a valid date-time Date entered is invalid! Ensure that the start time/end time is a semantically valid date
End time before or same as start time End time must be after start time! Ensure that the end time is after the start time

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Viewing events: schedule

Displays all events that have been added to JABPro.

Format: schedule


  • schedule command will open the Events window regardless of whether there are events in JABPro or not.
  • Any set of characters added after the schedule keyword will be ignored. E.g.: schedule a1b2c3

Tip: The Events window can also be accessed by clicking Events > Events in the menu bar, located at the top of the window.

Example of successful execution of schedule command:

  1. Enter the command schedule
  2. This is the result of the successful schedule command [It is assumed that an event was previously added using the command `event 1 d/Interview bt/2023-11-12 10:00 et/2023-11-12 12:00]:


The Events window opens up:


There is no possibility of a "failed" execution of the schedule command.

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5. Others

Exporting the existing data to csv: export

Format: export

Exports the entries into a .csv file located in the current directory as (/data/export.csv)


  • Export only exports the following: Name, Phone, Email, Address, Tags, Linkedin, Github, Remark, Status.
  • JABPro must have write permissions, this means that if the .csv file is open, exporting again will not be possible.


  • export exports the data to /data/export.csv

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Clearing all entries: clear

Clears all entries from JABPro - including applicants and events.

Format: clear


  • Usage of the clear command empties all records, not only in the current running instance of JABPro, but from the json files as well where the data is written to/read from. Hence, a subsequent launch of JABPro will display an empty application.
  • clear command can be invoked on an already empty instance of JABPro as well, without any errors being raised. There is no effect of running this command.

Example of the successful execution of the clear command:


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Exiting the program: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

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Additional information


Summary Statistics

Summary Statistics is a table generated by JABPro that displays the following information about an applicant: It is generated for tags that are categorised under the assessment category.

Statistic / Metric Description
score The score of the applicant for the tag.
mean The mean score of applicant with that tag.
median The median score of applicant with that tag.
minimum The minimum score of applicant with that tag.
maximum The maximum score of applicant with that tag.
percentile The percentile of the applicant for that tag.

You should ensure that you have sufficient candidates of more than 20 with a score for the tag you are interested in, before using the summary statistics to make comparisons.

Notes on why you should have sufficient applicants with a score for the tag you are interested in:

  • This is due to the fact that these summary statistics rely on concepts such as mean, median and percentile, which are statistical concepts that require a sufficient sample size to be meaningful.
  • For example, if you have only assigned 5 out of 100 applicants, the summary statistics will not be representative of the actual mean, median and percentile for that tag.
  • In this case, you should assign more applicants with a score for that tag, before using the summary statistics to make comparisons.
  • If you have assigned a sufficient number of applicants with a score for that tag, you can use the summary statistics to make comparisons. For example, you want to check if an applicant's score for a tag is more than or equal to half of all the applicant who have a score for that tag, you can use the median to make this comparison.
  • A sufficient number could be deemed as any number that is more than 20, but this is not a hard and fast rule. You should use your own discretion to determine if the number of applicant with a score for that tag is sufficient.


  1. Use mostly median and percentile to make your judgement on the performance of an applicant.
  2. median to find applicants who are the better performing half
  3. percentile as where this applicant stands among all other applicants (treat it like a ranking system, the higher the percentile, the better the applicant is performing)



  • Understand that percentile has limited functionality in some context. This is because if two applicants have the same score, they are rank the same. This means that the percentile of both applicants will be the same.
    • If all applicants have the same score, their percentile will all be 0.0. This is because they are all rank the same.
    • Additionally, when the spread of scores is small, the percentile will not be able to differentiate between applicants with similar scores.

Formula used to calculate the summary statistics:

  • mean is calculated by using the formula sum of all scores with that tag / number of applicants with that tag
  • median is calculated by using the formula middle score of all scores with that tag
  • minimum is calculated by using the formula lowest score of all scores with that tag
  • maximum is calculated by using the formula highest score of all scores with that tag
  • percentile is calculated by using the formula number of applicants with a score strictly lower than the applicant / total number of applicants with that tag

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Saving the data

JABPro data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the data file

JABPro data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/addressbook.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, JABPro will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it.

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Q: What would happen if I used JABPro for the first time without the sample data? Would the app break? A: Not necessarily, we've tested out the JABPro launch without any sample data and basic functionalities are working fine. However, we do not recommend this because there could be unexpected behaviours that we might have not accounted for. It is always advisable to follow the quickstart instructions and launch JABPro with the sample data!

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous JABPro home folder.

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Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
e.g., add n/James Ho p/22224444 e/jamesho@example.com a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 t/developer t/intern
Remark remark r/REMARK
e.g., remark 1 r/Great attitude, hardworking
Add LinkedIn/Github addL INDEX u/USERNAME or addG INDEX u/USERNAME e.g., addL 1 u/alex-yeoh, addG 2 u/bernicesanders123
Open LinkedIn/Github linkedin INDEX or github INDEX e.g., linkedin 1, github 2
e.g., set 2 Interviewed
View view INDEX
e.g., view 1
e.g.,edit 2 n/James Lee e/jameslee@example.com t\MarketingInterview sc\MarketingInterview 50
Delete delete INDEX or delete (t/TAGNAME... st/STATUS...)
e.g., delete 3, delete t/intern st/rejected
Create create t/CATEGORY NAME…​
e.g. create t/dept software
ListT listT
Search search (n/NAME... st/STATUS... t/TAGNAME...)
e.g., search n/alex
Filter filter t/TAGNAME met/METRIC val/VALUE
e.g., filter t/interview met/score val/80
List list so/ATTRIBUTE
e.g. list so/name
Schedule schedule
Help help
Export export
Clear clear

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Prefix Summary

Prefix Description Commands Constraint
n/ Name Add, Edit, Search Must be alphanumeric (Letters and numbers, no symbols allowed such as /, , ...).
p/ Phone Number Add, Edit Must contain numbers only and should be at-least 3 digits long.
e/ Email Add, Edit Must be the standard email address format (There must be an email-prefix followed by @ symbol and email domain).
a/ Address Add, Edit can be any value, including special characters such as #, , ...
t/ Tag Add, Edit, Search, Create, Delete Must be alphanumeric with no spaces. Any details after the space will be ignored.
sc/ Score Edit Must be a non-negative integer.
st/ Status Search, Delete, Set Must either be preliminary, interviewed, offered, rejected.
r/ Remark Remark can be any value, including special characters such as #, , ...
u/ Username Add Github/LinkedIn Must be a string value.
met/ Metric Filter Must be either score, percentile, mean, median.
val/ Value Filter Optional only for mean and median. Otherwise, must be a non-negative integer.
so/ Sort List Must be either name or email.
d/ Description Event Must be a string value.
bt/ Begin Time Event Must be a valid date-time, in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.
et/ End Time Event Must be a valid date-time, in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.

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Keyword Definition
Alphanumeric Letters and numbers. Should NOT contain symbols, or whitespaces.
Index The index of the applicant of the currently displayed list in the applicant list panel.
Parameter Details about the job applicant that will be included in the command.
Command Instructions that JABPro will execute.
JAR Compressed file of JABPro that is in the form of a Java Archive.

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