Project: JABPRO


JABPro aims to solve the problem of HR managers having to sort through tons of job applications. It makes their life easier by allowing them to easily fetch important info about job applicants such as their contact details, application status etc. It serves as a one-stop addressbook for job applications.

Summary of Contributions

Code contributed: RepoSense link

Enhancement implemented:

  • Implementation of set feature
  • Implementation of export feature

Contribution to the UG:

  • Key definitions and distinctions: Beginner & Advanced users
  • Set feature usage & Examples
  • Export feature usage & Examples
  • Added set & Export to Command Summary

Contribution to DG:

  • Contributed to the section 'Planned enhancements' for export
  • Contributed to the Appendix for 'Flexibility'
  • Contributed to test cases for 'set' and 'export'
  • Contributed to MSS for 'set' and 'export'
  • Contributed to user stories relevant to 'set' and 'export'
  • Contributed to the implementation section of 'set' and 'export'
  • Contributed to the diagrams for 'set' and 'export'

Contribution to team-based tasks:

  • Code quality: Looks after code quality, ensures adherence to coding standards
  • OOP Review: Review PRs and ensures adherence to Object-Oriented Programming standards
  • Checks PRs for consistency between new code and previous code

Reviewing/mentoring contributions:

  • Reviewing of PRs
  • Advising changes with regard to OOP and consistency with the way objects are used.

PRs reviewed